New Arrivals

Spring is well under way with the birth of new life all around Westhill Farm and the caravan park.  We have had a bumper lambing season and getting ready for shearing time.

A new addition to the Farm is our new Angus Bull – Majestic Benji! He arrived this week and is settling in well, looking forward to when he can visit the herd of Herefords and South Devons for love and friendship xx

The Lake has kept the nesting swans safe and they have successfully reared 6 signets that are now using the Rhynes to travel around the park and visit you for bread and tip-bits.

The Lake is also teaming with life from little coots to dragonflies and visiting birds.  The Kingfisher has been spotted around the River and flying through the caravans.  There are various pairs of ducks ambling around the grounds and enjoying the sunshine.